Tasha Arsalan's profile

Spontanzeichnen: Tasha's Pecha Cucha Live Drawing Folio

Pecha Cucha, Japanese –  ぺちゃくちゃ – means "continuously and in a lively fashion", or: chit-chat.

Tokio, 2003: 
Architects Mark Dytham and Astrid Klein coined the term Pecha Cucha for a storytelling format: the artist has 20 slides to talk about, with a max of 20 seconds for each slide.

Berlin, 2021: 
during a brief non-lockdown period, I haphazardly prepared my portfolio of spontanzeichnen (spontaneous drawings on location) as a Pecha Cucha for the finale of an exhibition. 

I searched my messy hard drive for images of drawings I'd created while people talked at conferences and other events and, the penultimate night of the show  I nicked some beats and made a spontaneous VoiceOver rap.*
Regardless of my embarrassment, I thought: 'better done than prfckd' and went to bed.

Next day, during the finissage, it turned out that watching the UEFA euro finals was more to the gusto of the event hosts, so no audience ever saw that stuff.

Which leaves you, dearest Behancers, with this première of my drawing folio. 
Thanks for bearing with the rap by an elderly person in German. 

Comments appreciated. xtash

*note: the sound effects on last slide came in as a serendipity.                                                        

Spontanzeichnen: Tasha's Pecha Cucha Live Drawing Folio


Spontanzeichnen: Tasha's Pecha Cucha Live Drawing Folio
